Ohio Gymnastics Competition Calendar

Sanction Reporting Procedures

Gymnastics Meet Reporting Requirements

1. Mail Copy of Sanction form with a check made payable to “Ohio USA Gymnastics,” of $1.00/gymnast (regardless of level) * to the following and please put the check # of the check you paid the NAWGJ assigner on the post meet report form.
Mail to:
Kristy Fries, Ohio SACC
8185 Business Way
Plain City, OH 43064
NOTE: For state championship meets, same reporting procedures except $3.50/gymnast (regardless of level)

2. Mail Copy of Sanction form with a check made payable to “Region 5 USA Gymnastics,” for $1.00 per gymnast (regardless of level) * to the following and please put the check # of the check you paid the NAWGJ assigner on the post meet report form.
Mail to:

Dave Stiles, RACC
105 Woodland Lane
Carmel, IN 46032

3. Must email meet results in Excel Format to Jill Skulich


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